I'm Tom 👋 My disability is that I'm an idiot... Oh, I'm being told that's not my disability, it's just an unfortunate character trait. In that case I guess you could say it's because I had a brain tumour that has left me in a wheelchair and with a few other issues. Fortunately a very clever man was on hand to remove it with minimal damage to the brain stem. It was a Hemangioblastoma, this type of tumour is never cancerous but it may grow and press on surrounding tissues. The severity of mine managed to remain undetected until the neurosurgeon came face to face with it and realised it was essentially inoperable. He gave me 48 hours to live if he didn't try to extract it, but in attempting to extract it, might kill me. It didn't! But it has left me in a wheelchair. I can get out of the wheelchair to transfer onto a chair/sofa/bed but can not balance and need the support of another person to help me to walk. They end up taking a lot of my weight because i
I would like to make this blog a useful resource for travelling to Sorrento if you're in a wheelchair. You'll see from my diary that I did it completely the wrong way. I was lazy. I didn't research Sorrento at all. I just assumed wheelchair accessibility would be as important as it is in the majority of English establishments.
Gatwick The flights were departing at six thirty am on Thursday morning from Gatwick so we left home at midnight. It would take us about three hours and twenty minutes to get there and we were required to check in three hours before the flight departed. We anticipated some problems as the original flight we were booked on had been cancelled and we transferred to another plane, our extra leg room seats that we booked had been erased from our booking as well as the fact we were sat either side of the aisle now. There were no problems at Gatwick and check in was very fast as there were no customers yet. There was quite a small queue at security but as I'm in a wheelchair I was able to skip the queue, I was ushered through a gate and was frisked and my chair was dusted down. My leather man bag that had my laptop in and another item that they were suspicious of so it had to go through the scanner. The suspicious item was a deflated haemorrhoid ring... I like to blow it up and stick my f
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